
The Board has a fiduciary role to ensure funds raised are utilized toward support of the financial literacy/life skills program and the children’s support program.

The current Board members represent a diverse group of professionals and community leaders – current and former corporate executives, community advocates, business owners with skills appropriate for directing a non-profit, and individuals who have been TCP volunteers for many years.

  • Frank Frischauf - Board President

    Retired Engineer
  • Stephane Daniel

    Human Resources Generalist
  • Asa Fleming

  • Cliff Reeves - Board Vice President

    Consulting (cjreeves, LLC) after 30 yrs at IBM
  • John Collins - Secretary

    Director of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources
  • Darryl Coleman Jr.

    Enterprise Solutions Consultant
  • Kai Hill

    Human Resources Benefits Coordinator
  • Amy Diebler - Board Treasurer

  • Sidney Chow

    Retired IT Executive
  • W, Kyle Greer

  • Hannah Wait

    Associate Executive Branch Director
  • Clark Radford

    Commercial Banker & Sr. Vice President

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